Q: How does the product differ from Instant Tyre Dressing?
A: Instant Tyre Dressing is a sprayable liquid that can be applied to wet or dry tyres. High Performance Tyre Gel can be left for a high sheen or wiped for a more natural matt finish.
Q: What should I use to apply this product?
A: New High Performance Tyre Gel is applied with the Autoglym Perfect Polish Applicator. This applicator allows for a more detailed application and the gel is proven to offer a longer-lasting finish. Like Instant Tyre Dressing, no buffing generates high gloss finish, but wiping with a cloth whilst the gel is still wet creates a more natural satin finish.
Q: What happens if High Performance Tyre Gel is used on wet tyres?
A: We recommend that freshly-washed tyres are allowed to dry or at least be wiped dry prior to application. This ensures that High Performance Tyre Gel dries evenly and leaves a consistently excellent finish on the tyres. Applying to wet wheels may result in an uneven, patchy finish.
Q: Can this product be used on motorcycles or bicycles?
A: No. This product leaves a gloss finish which can be slippery – do not use on motorcycle or bicycle tyres or control surfaces of any vehicle.